September 14th & 15th, 2024
- September 14th (Saturday) – Show & Go Obedience Fun Match
- September 15th (Sunday) – Sled Dog Showcase
Crook County Fairgrounds, Prineville, Oregon
Please join us us September 14-15, 2024 at the Crook County Fairgrounds in Prineville, Oregon for the PSDSA Sled Dog Showcase and Show and Go Obedience Fun Match. Bring your mushing companions and meet up with your friends off season to show off in the conformation ring and get some experience in the obedience ring. All purebred, mixed breed, registered, or unregistered dogs aged 4 months or older are eligible to enter regardless of altered status. Guest speakers will present fun and educational materials after judging.
Entry Information
Entry is by preregistration only, there will be no on site registration. Cancellations will be accepted before entries close. After entries have closed, all entry fees will be non-refundable.
A junior class will be held this year for handlers under the age of 18. Junior handlers may be accompanied by an adult in the ring and will be required, at the judge’s discretion, for any junior unable to safely handle their dog. The best males and female dog shown by junior handlers will compete in the Best in Showcase along with the adults.
All dogs present at the event, showing or not, must be current on all vaccinations per your veterinarian.
2024 Entry Fees are $20/Dog
- Registration Opens August 9th
- Entries close September 5th 2024. Cancellations will be accepted until September 5th. After Entry close all entries are non-refundable.
New for 2024
Show & Go Obedience Fun Match on Saturday!
Learn more about the sport of Obedience with a fun match! Novice, Open and Utility classes will be offered with two rings available. Want to know more about the sport of Obedience and the different Obedience classes? Check out the following link Dog Obedience Competition 101: How Obedience Works

Fairground Access & Location Details
Please enter the fairgrounds from Main Street and parking will be near the entrance in a grassy area. Parking will be close to the show ring, and immediately obvious once you enter the fairgrounds. Exhibitor packets will be available for pickup from 8-8:45 am, and judging will begin promptly at 9 am. Please bring chairs, crates, food, and water, as none will be available on site. This is an outdoor venue, so bring shade for crating. There will be a designated crating area near the ring and parking area. We are musher tough, this event will be held rain or shine, snow, or whatever Mother Nature throws at us.
Crook County Fairgrounds 1280 Main St, Prineville, OR 97754. From Bend, Redmond, and Madras, take US Hwy 26 to Prineville. Head east on US 26 which becomes NW 3rd St. Turn right on Main Street, and left into the fairgrounds.
Show Chairman & Secretary Information
Please direct questions to: Show Chairman Cheryl Liddle at ca.liddle60@gmail.com or (541) 416-0284 (voice only).
Entries and entry related questions to: Show Secretary Sheryl O’Rourke at sheryl@sorourke.com
Camping Information
Camping available onsite at Crook County Fairgrounds. Please contact the fairgrounds directly
at (541) 447-6575. Payment due at time of reservation. There is another event over the same weekend, so the Fairgrounds have advised calling early for reservations. They will not be taking reservations over Fair Week (August 5-9th 2024).
- Dry Camping $20
- Hookup $30
Restrooms and showers available
Closest Veterinarian Information
Emergency Veterinary Services can be found in Bend at Bend Animal Emergency and Specialty Center 1245 SE 3rd St STE C3, Bend, OR 97702 (541) 385-9110 or at VRCCO 1820 NW Monterey Pines Drive, Bend, OR 97703 (541) 210-9200
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, September 14th:
Show and Go Obedience Match
- 7:30 am Parking Opens
- 8:00 am Show and Go Registration Opens – day of match entry only
- 8:30 am Match Begins
Match Order: - Ring 1 Utility
- Ring 2 Open
- Novice to follow in the first available ring;
Sunday, September 15th: Fun and games throughout the day with lunchtime contests!
Sled Dog Showcase
- 7:30 am Parking Opens
- 8-8:45 am Exhibitor Packet Pickup
- 9 am Judging Starts (judging may be in one or two rings, depending upon entries)
Judging Order: - Puppies
- Siberian Huskies
- Juniors
- Alaskan Huskies
- Other Sled Dogs
- Best in Showcase
- Best Opposite
- Awards
- Lunch (bring your own)
- Guest Speakers
Ribbon Classes Offered Include:
PUPPY (all mixed and purebred puppies)
4-6 month male
4-6 month female
6-12 month male
6-12 month female
Best male and female puppies will compete for Best in Showcase and Best Opposite in Showcase
Judged by: Jennifer Freking
Adult Male
Adult Female
Veteran Male (9 years and older)
Veteran Female (9 years and older)
Best male and female Siberians will compete for Best in Showcase and Best Opposite in Showcase
Judged by: Jennifer Freking
There will be one class of juniors with the best male and female dogs moving on to compete in the Best in Showcase.
Judged by: Jennifer Freking
Adult Male
Adult Female
Veteran Male (9 years and older)
Veteran Female (9 years and older)
Best male and female Alaskans will compete for Best in Showcase and Best Opposite in Showcase
Judged by: Steve Madsen
ANY SLED DOG (any other breed or mixed breed that pulls in harness)
Adult Male
Adult Female
Veteran Male (9 years and older)
Veteran Female (9 years and older)
Best male and female Other Breeds will compete for Best in Showcase and Best Opposite in Showcase
Judged by: Steve Madsen
Ribbons will be awarded for first through fourth place in each class, and all winners will receive a prize. The 10 top dogs will compete in the Showcase for bragging rights.
Best in Showcase wins an unique sculpted trophy and Best Opposite wins a hand burned award by
Anissa Sanchez Pyrography.
Siberian Husky SHPN1/SPS1 Collection Clinic
For Sled Dog Showcase attendees with Siberian Huskies, especially those who may have an interest in future breeding – Karen Yeargain is coordinating SHPN1/SPS1 Sample Collection at the Showcase. These samples will be sent off to the University of Minnesota as a group submission to access the best pricing. There will be a discount code available.
For more information about testing, please see the University of Minnesota’s page on the Siberian Husky Health panel here
For more information about the SPS1 Condition, please consider joining the Hypomyelination SPS in Siberian Huskies group on Facebook.
Guest Speakers for 2024
Presentations will be 30-60 minutes long, and will begin after lunch.
Bethany Rice – As a certified animal osteopath and professional horse trainer for the past 16 years, Bethany Rice is giving an introduction to Osteopathy and how it applies to our dog’s overall health and wellbeing. Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that focuses on reducing tension and restrictions within the animal’s musculoskeletal system to encourage healing, improve movement and relieve pain.
Kimberly McCreedy, DVM – A veterinarian with a specialization in sled dog care both on and off the trail, Dr. McCreedy brings years of experience working as a race vet both the Triple Crown Rocky Mountain Race series as well as The Iditarod and Yukon Quest.
2024 Sled Dog Showcase Judges

Jennifer Freking, DVM of Manitou Crossing Kennels in Finland, Minnesota
Dr. Jennifer grew up near Cambridge, MN and has been training and racing sled dogs since she was 9 years old. She finished 50th of 80 teams in the 2008 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, for was awarded the Most Inspirational Musher Award. She has run the Beargrease Marathon, UP 200, the Apostle Island Sled Dog Race, and Can-Am 60,
among others. Dr. Jennifer Freking graduated from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine in May 2004 and practices large and small animal medicine at the Ely Veterinary Clinic in Ely, MN.

Steve Madsen of Cougar, WA
Steve Madsen began mushing in 1992 and has completed the Iditarod three separate times in 2004, 2006 and 2008. He raced the Oregon Dunes multiple times, has competed over ten times in the Race to the Sky (both 300 and 100 mile classes) and is a two time Rocky Mountain Triple Crown Finisher in the 100 mile class (2020 and 2022). He has completed the Eagle Cap Extreme five times in both the 200 and 100 mile classes and has placed first in the Eagle Cap 200 mile (2011) and Cascade Question 150 mile (2006). In addition to distance racing and operating a Touring Kennel (Paws Up Ranch in Lincoln, MT), he also ran a purebred Samoyed team and completed 100 mile races – showing Samoyeds in Conformation between 1991 and 1998.